Texas Sage

Cenizo (Texas Sage) – A Beautiful Native Evergreen Shrub!

Cenizo (Leucophyllum frutescens), also known as Texas Sage, is an awesome evergreen Texas native plant to add to your garden. Its gray-green leaves add beauty throughout the year, while it is periodically has displays of prolific purple blooms after a rain, giving it the nickname “Barometer Bush”. 

Snakeherb Texas native ground cover

Snake Herb: A Cool Native Texas Ground Cover

Don’t be turned off by its name: Snake Herb (Dyschoriste linearis). This beautiful Texas native ground cover won’t give you any snake bites! Just lovely petite purple flowers that attract butterflies.

This perennial native ground cover is relatively fast-growing. Add it to a sunny area of your garden with well-drained soil for best results!


5 Reasons to Grow Lemon Mint (Monarda citriodora)

Lemon Mint (Monarda citriodora) may just be my favorite Texas wildflower! I love its unique stacked blooms and pretty purple flowers. This plant goes by more than one common name – you may have also heard it called Lemon Beebalm, Horsemint, or Lemon Bergamot. All are referring to the same plant! Native to the southern US, this wildflower can handle full sun to partial shade. It starts putting on basal leaves in early spring and blooms in the summer.

Cedar Sage Texas native plant

5 Reasons to Grow Cedar Sage

Looking to add a pop of color to a shady area of your yard? Plant Cedar Sage (Salvia roemeriana)! This Texas native plant thrives in nature under the shade of Cedar (Ashe Juniper) trees on the Edwards Plateau, hence its common name Cedar Sage. This low growing perennial is a great way to brighten your yard with red flower spikes in the spring. Saliva roemeriana grows around 1 foot tall and tends to form colonies by reseeding easily.

Silver Ponyfoot groundcover

5 Reasons to Grow Silver Ponyfoot

Need a beautiful ground cover to add to your garden? Silver Ponyfoot (Dichondra argentea) is a full sun-loving native plant that thrives in well-drained soil. This pretty groundcover is known for its silver leaves and silver stems. Dichondra argentea is a native plant – found in parts of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona! In addition to being a great ground cover, it looks beautiful flowing over rock walls or cascading over an elevated pot or hanging basket.