Backyard Gardening: A New Approach for 2024
Did you know that your garden can not only look good, it can do good for the Earth? Whether you have a flower garden, vegetable garden, or a landscaped bed, a few simple changes can make a big difference.
Did you know that your garden can not only look good, it can do good for the Earth? Whether you have a flower garden, vegetable garden, or a landscaped bed, a few simple changes can make a big difference.
Not only can native plants create an even more unique and beautiful garden than traditional landscaping plants, they require less maintenance and little water once established.
Wouldn’t it be nice to prevent weeds in flower beds without a lot of work? It is possible with this eco-friendly trick – create a weed barrier using cardboard and wood mulch to prevent weeds from growing in the first place! Also called “sheet mulching”, this simple garden bed prep can make weed-free flower beds a reality! I swear by this method for all my native plant garden beds.Read on to see how easy it is to do!
Minimizing garden maintenance is possible with these simple tips including: 1) Growing hardy native plants, 2) Prepping your garden bed like a pro to prevent weeds, and 3) Following a simple maintenance schedule through out the year.
The fall yard chore of raking leaves, or even worse, blowing leaves with a gas powered blower, isn’t all its cracked up to be. I am hearing more and more calls to “leave the leaves”! As I work hard to convert my San Antonio, Texas yard to a pollinator and insect haven, I’m learning about the important role that leaves play at this time of year.