How to prevent weeds in flower beds

The BEST Trick to Prevent Weeds in Flower Beds

Wouldn’t it be nice to prevent weeds in flower beds without a lot of work? It is possible with this eco-friendly trick – create a weed barrier using cardboard and wood mulch to prevent weeds from growing in the first place! Also called “sheet mulching”, this simple garden bed prep can make weed-free flower beds a reality! I swear by this method for all my native plant garden beds.Read on to see how easy it is to do!

Raking Leaves? 5 Reasons to Not Throw Them Out!

Raking Leaves? 5 Reasons to Not Throw Them Out!

The fall yard chore of raking leaves, or even worse, blowing leaves with a gas powered blower, isn’t all its cracked up to be. I am hearing more and more calls to “leave the leaves”! As I work hard to convert my San Antonio, Texas yard to a pollinator and insect haven, I’m learning about the important role that leaves play at this time of year.