Cedar Sage Texas native plant

5 Reasons to Grow Cedar Sage

Looking to add a pop of color to a shady area of your yard? Plant Cedar Sage (Salvia roemeriana)! This Texas native plant thrives in nature under the shade of Cedar (Ashe Juniper) trees on the Edwards Plateau, hence its common name Cedar Sage. This low growing perennial is a great way to brighten your yard with red flower spikes in the spring. Saliva roemeriana grows around 1 foot tall and tends to form colonies by reseeding easily.

Silver Ponyfoot groundcover

5 Reasons to Grow Silver Ponyfoot

Need a beautiful ground cover to add to your garden? Silver Ponyfoot (Dichondra argentea) is a full sun-loving native plant that thrives in well-drained soil. This pretty groundcover is known for its silver leaves and silver stems. Dichondra argentea is a native plant – found in parts of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona! In addition to being a great ground cover, it looks beautiful flowing over rock walls or cascading over an elevated pot or hanging basket.

Texas drought resistant plants

Top 10 Drought Tolerant Perennials for Texas

Want drought-tolerant plants for your yard? Go native! These 10 Texas native plants pass the drought-tolerant test with flying colors. They are tough as nails and have been surviving on their own in nature for thousands of years.

Summer 2022 in Texas tested even the most seasoned gardener, and the hardiest of landscaping plants. However, these 10 drought-tolerant perennials can survive very hot summers and very dry conditions. These are all excellent choices for your landscaping, flower beds, or rock gardens.

Deer proof plants

Top 35 Texas Deer Resistant Plants

Looking for Texas deer resistant plants? You’ve come to the right place! While there may be no such thing as deer-proof plants, these Texas native plants are your best bet for keeping the deer away. While a native garden should feed all wildlife including deer, adding these plants to your garden will help ensure there will be some food left over for the other species!

Vines Texas

Top 7 Native Texas Vines to Grow!

Want to add some native Texas vines to your garden? You have some beautiful ones to pick from! They provide nectar for pollinators, serve as host plants for butterflies and moths, and some provide fruit for birds! They are a great alternative to non native vines commonly sold at the nursery such as Star Jasmine, Chinese Wisteria, and English Ivy.

Native Texas Shrubs and Bushes

Top 15 Texas Shrubs for Your Yard

Looking for a new shrub or bush to add to your Texas yard? Skip the exotic options and shop local instead! Choose native Texas shrubs to add interest to your landscaping while providing food for pollinators, birds and wildlife.
These 15 shrubs are some of the best that Texas has to offer! Most of these are very low maintenance and tolerate drought conditions like champs. They would make a great addition to your yard.