Native Texas bees

Top 5 Native Texas Bees to Know!

Want to learn more about the Texas bees that visit your plants? You’ve come to the right place!Did you know that 80% of our flowering plants can thank pollinators (and especially bees) for their existence? That includes 60% of our crops. Without bees, there would be very few plants…and food! Our 800 different native Texas bees play a vital role in plant pollination. However, most of us are only familiar with the common European honeybee, which was imported to the U.S. in the 17th century.

Common Texas butterflies

Top 25 Texas Butterflies: The Ultimate Guide!

With over 400 butterfly species, Texas has more types of butterflies than any other state! I’ve selected just a subset of butterflies in Texas for this guide. These 25 species are typically found throughout the state and fly throughout the year. They are some of the most common butterflies you will find in your garden, especially if you grow Texas native plants!

Texas drought resistant plants

Top 10 Drought Tolerant Perennials for Texas

Want drought-tolerant plants for your yard? Go native! These 10 Texas native plants pass the drought-tolerant test with flying colors. They are tough as nails and have been surviving on their own in nature for thousands of years.

Summer 2022 in Texas tested even the most seasoned gardener, and the hardiest of landscaping plants. However, these 10 drought-tolerant perennials can survive very hot summers and very dry conditions. These are all excellent choices for your landscaping, flower beds, or rock gardens.

texas backyard birds

Texas Birds – The Ultimate Guide for Beginning Birders!

New to birding? This post is for you! I wrote this to help you get to know the birds of Texas. Especially our year-round residents that are common throughout much of the state. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Over 600 species of birds have been recorded in Texas! Instead, I am prioritizing birds you are most likely to see in your yard, or out on a birding walk with a seasoned guide. I’ve also included some of my favorite birding books and gear to help you get started!

Yellow perennial flowers

Top 10 Native Yellow Perennial Flowers

Want to smile every time you look out at your garden? Fill it will sunny yellow perennial flowers that are native to your local area. Not only will they brighten your garden, they will bring it alive with pollinators! These 10 awesome yellow perennial flowers to add to your flower beds. Many of them are profuse bloomers that will provide a pop of yellow from from early spring until late summer.

native perennial flowers that bloom all summer long

Top 10 Native Perennial Flowers That Bloom All Summer

Do you want your garden to be bursting with color with perennial flowers that bloom all summer? Then these 10 native perennials are for you! Each of these long-blooming native plants not only LOOK good, they DO good by serving as butterfly host plants and important nectar sources for pollinators. Native perennials are low maintenance, hardy plants that thrive in their local climates. Once established, they require very little regular watering beyond the average rainfall. Plant a mix of these for a wide range of colors and consistent pops of color throughout the season.

Native annuals that bloom all summer

Top 5 Native Annual Flowers that Bloom All Summer

Many native wildflowers are fleeting, only providing a burst of color for a few weeks in the spring. However, there are a handful of hardy native wildflowers that can be counted on for a summer of beautiful blooms. Incorporate these long-blooming annual plants into your perennial garden bed for even more bright colors!