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Top 5 Places to Buy Native Wildflower Seeds Online

Are you wanting to start a wildflower garden? No need to leave the comfort of your home in search of wildflower seeds! You can buy them easily online from some great retailers that specialize in native seeds.

By growing purely native wildflowers, you’ll increase the likelihood of a successful garden with lots of blooms. You’ll also ensure a wide variety of pollinators visit your yard to visit their favorite flowers!

Native wildflower seeds from Native American Seed
A mix of Texas native wildflower seeds from Native American Seed.

I’ve rounded up some of the best online native seed sources below. They include retailers that specialize in wildflowers native to Texas and other retailers that offer native wildflower seed mixes for each region of the United States.

Once you have your seeds, be sure to check out my 10 steps to prepping your native wildflower garden to get started!

Top online retailers for Texas native wildflower seeds

1. Native American Seed

This the site where I purchased all of my native wildflower seeds. Native American Seed is a favorite seed source among my Texas Master Naturalist friends!

Based in Junction, TX they have a vast selection of native Texas wildflower seed mixes including their Deer Resistant Mix, Shade Friendly Mix, and my personal favorite – the Hummers and Singers Mix.

You can also buy seeds for single varieties of Texas wildflowers including Gayfeather and Mexican Hat, among many others. I like their selection because you can buy seed mixes for as little as $3 a packet.

If you live in Texas, I recommend signing up for their free mail order catalog. It is a fun one to page through over a cup of coffee!

2. Douglass King Seeds

Based in San Antonio, this seed company has a large selection of native grasses, forbs, and other plants that were specifically adapted to the climates and soils of Texas. 

Their native wildflower seed options include a “Feed the B’s Pollinator Mix“. You can also get seeds for three different varieties of Texas’ prized bluebonnets, our state flower. There is free shipping for all online orders!

Our prized Texas Bluebonnets -the state flower of Texas! (Image source: Canva.com)

3. Wildseed Farms

Based in Fredericksburg, TX, Wildseed Farms is a fun place to visit if you are in the area! In addition to their beautiful wildflower meadows in full bloom in spring, they have cute shops, food and live music.

This is where I bought my first ever wildflower mix. I bought the Cut Flower Seed Mix a couple years ago because unlike some of the other seed mixes, you can plant it in the spring.

Many of the mixes at Wildseed Farms contain native and non-native species, so if you want a purely native mix I recommend one of the other retailers. Here are a few native wildflower seed options:

Where to buy regional wildflower seeds

1. American Meadows

American Meadows has a wide variety of wildflower seed mixes for each region of the United States. However, if you want to stick with native wildflowers, be sure to choose their native mixes including:

American Meadows also has a number of native grass seed mixes and seeds for single variety native wildflowers.

One watch out: American Meadows doesn’t offer small seed packs. Their packs start at 1/4 lb. which can cover a 200-500 sq. foot area. Use what you need and give the rest to a neighbor!

Wildflower seed mixes allow you to have a rainbow of colors in your wildflower garden!

2. High Country Gardens

Owned by American Meadows, High Country Gardens carries a similar set of regional native seed mixes starting at 1/4 lb. However they also sell a few unique mixes specific to the Intermountain West:

3. Wildflower Farms

Looking for seeds for a single variety of wildflowers? Wildflower Farms has a wide selection of organically grown, non GMO, North American native wildflower seeds. Some of my favorites include:

Ready to get started planting?

Check out my 10 steps to prepping your wildflower garden:

How to prep a butterfly and bee garden
Expanding the wildflower bed behind our fence!


  1. Hi Haley, some of the seed packets say to sow after risk of frost, but you were saying sow in the fall. Is it ok to sow the seeds in the fall?

    1. Hi Gerry, here in Texas it is preferred to sow seeds in the fall. If you keep the ground moist upon sowing them they should germinate quickly and establish a root system before going dormant in the winter. They can handle some frosts. In northern states with harsher winters, you want to sow seeds in the spring.

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