Headed to Costa Rica? Look for These Birds on Your Trip!

Costa Rica is an amazing country to spot birds you won't see in the United States. You don't have to be a pro-birder to enjoy them. Bring a pair of binoculars and this list!

1. Keel-Billed Toucan

There is nothing like spotting a Toucan for the first time. These colorful birds are common in Costa RIcan rain forests. 

2. Red-Lored Parrot

These parrots may just wake you up on your trip! They are the loud talkers of the tropical forest with their distinctive call.

3. Oropendola

This unusual bird is easiest to spot in flight. Look for the flash of yellow in its tail feathers.

4. Magpie Jay

The White-Throated Magpie Jay is a fun bird to spot. These gregarious birds often travel as a small group.

5. Clay Colored Thrush

This common bird is the national bird of Costa RIca. It is known for its pretty songs.

6. Boat-Billed Flycatcher

You are likely to spot this Flycatcher with a bright yellow belly on your trip.

7. Motmot

There are several species of these birds with unique tails in Costa Rica.

Like these birds? Click below to learn about 5 cool Costa Rica butterflies!